You are here: 12. Micronet ECOM > 12.12. Admin > 12.12.3. Maintaining User Details

Maintaining User Details

You can change a user's details including their name, password, email address, phone number, default warehouse, salesperson, level of security, etc.


Technical Tip

If you want to change a user ID, you need to delete the user then add them again.

  1. Display the Admin screen.

Refer to "Admin".

  1. If required, search for the user whose details you want to maintain.
  2. Select the user from the list.

Micronet displays a user details panel at the left of the Admin screen with the user's current details.

  1. Update the user's details as required.
  1. When you have finished updating the user details, select the Save button.

Micronet saves the changes.

  1. If you want to change the user's permissions, select the + button next to Modify Permissions.

  1. Check or uncheck the appropriate boxes.

For more information, see "Adding Users".

  1. Select Save Changes to save the user's permissions.